Chapter 13
How It Ended
1 min to read
187 words

Seven years have elapsed since the events told in our last chapter and our scene once more changes to the ball room at Asmer House. Leslie and Sylvia no longer newly married people are sitting by the piano and opposite to them on the sofa are Isobel Saunders and Albert Woodcock. Presently Albert advances to the piano and asks Sylvia to sing a song.

"Yes if I can get anyone to play my accompaniment" says Sylvia.

"I only wish I could play" said Albert rubbing his face and looking with sad eyes at Mrs. Woodcock. Immediately Isobel seated herself at the piano and ran her fairy like fingers over the notes while Sylvia's melodious voice kept time to the music; and as the beautiful words of "See the conquering hero comes" rang out like a peal of thunder, Mr. Earlsdown come bounding in.

Here the band struck up God save the Queen and everybody stood up in respectful silence; and as the last notes of the German band died away Mrs. Woodcock took leave of her friends as we will do of the characters of this book.

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