Chapter 6
2 mins to read
571 words

It was past 2 o'clock before Leslie received Sylvia's wretched appeal.

It was brought to him in his room whilst dressing for an afternoon party. Leslie read it carefully through and then throwing it on the floor seezed his head in his hands and thought it over.

Presently he looked up with, a determined expression on his face "I must marry her" he cried, and then sitting down he picked up a sheet of writing paper and prepared to answer the note and this was what he said.

My best loved

If you will agree to this plan I will marry you yet. Have all your wants packed up this evening by 6 o'clock and we will elope together dearest and when we are one, we will go to America and make our fortunes.

Ever dearest Your own Leslie.

He then told one of the servants to take the above to Yellowflower Hall and give it into Miss Monton's hands, and wait for her answer.

The servant soon returned to say that the young lady would agree to the plan.

Leslie then began to collect his stockings and under garments and whilst rummaging in his wardrobe he heard something drop on the floor. He stooped to pick it up, it was a photograph of Isobel Saunders.

"Poor Isobel" murmured Leslie and wrapping the photo up he put it in his pocket. "I wonder what she will think of me when she knows."

At 5 o'clock the housemaid came to tell tea was ready.

"Oh bring me a cup of tea up here, "I am not feeling very well" said Leslie as she closed the door.

At 1/4 to 6 Leslie slipped out by the back door. He was attired in a long old fashioned ulster, a deer stalking cap, large golosha boots, and a hunting suit as he had gone to hunt for Sylvia. On his right arm he carried a bag containing clean under linen and other odds and ends also his money consisting of £40 in ready gold. He entered the garden of Yellowflower Hall and stole up unseen to Sylvia's room. He found her standing by the table buttoning her jacket with nervous trembling fingers.

"Oh Leslie!" she cried as he entered the room "I am so glad you have come" and saying this she fell back in a chair and fainted dead away.

Leslie caught hold of the water jug and wetting a sponge applied it to her white face, and by this and the aid of smelling saults, Sylvia soon revived.

"I am so nervous" she said "Oh Leslie shall we ever get away in safety?"

"Yes dearest yes" whispered the lover, "trust me darling and you will be alright."

"I am ready now" said Sylvia in a weak voice as she put a packet of biscuits into her bundle.

"I'll carry your luggage" said Leslie picking up her bundle which was tied in a white tablecloth.

Sylvia had been more particular than Leslie as to her luggage. Besides all her under-linen she had with her two pairs of clean sheets and pillow cases, some bath towels and soap, likewise a sponge and a yard of flannel (in case she lost any) a flask of brandy, some new potatoes and a tooth brush.

Sylvia's window opened into the lawn so it was easy to escape and once off the high road she and Leslie felt safe.

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Chapter 7
The Lodgings
2 mins to read
501 words
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