Chapter 21
The Pawn Ticket
1 min to read
245 words

Helen's heart was beating fast, as she went back to the sitting room, "oh dear" she cried sitting down on the sofa "whatever is Cyril up to I wonder it was a tea pot I know and it was wrapped in cotton wool too for it felt soft, I do hope he is up to no tricks."

Finding nothing to do Helen sat down to strum on the harmonium, but this did not soothe her spirits and she wandered about the room till her eye fell on a little white ticket lying on the hearth rug. She could not bear to see paper on the floor, so she hastily picked it up, and before tossing it into the fire she looked at it well to make sure it was nothing important.

Helen know enough to see at first glance it was a pawn ticket for a valuable silver sugar baisen worth £1.10.0.

Her cheeks grew white as she read it and she felt her fingers growing stiff. "Of course" she cried "its as plain as day light, Cyril has pawned the best sugar baisen for a few trumpery shillings, oh I'm sure he is getting into bad company" and she commenced to weep. "And I know he means to pawn the tea pot too."

But this was only the beginning of another long series of troubles for poor Helen, but happily for her she did not know that or it might have driven her mad.

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Chapter 22
An Unexpected Visit
8 mins to read
2170 words
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