Chapter 1
1 min to read
353 words

One evening late in Sep: Mr. Hose sat in his armchair reading a news paper. His wife sat in an other looking at the "Strand" Magerzine. Mr. Hose sudonly looked up at his wife; "Elizabeth" he said "one thing I have been wishing for, ever scince we were married is a baby, would not you like to have one looking at her seariously "Yes indeed I should" ansed his delicat wife with a sigh.

I soud like to adobt one continued Charlie, I would like to have one of my own said Elizabeth I dont like adopting babys, well you cant do it any other way if you dont get one. Besides if it was a boy what name have you got for it if it was a boy it should be named Charlie after you dear, and if it was a girl I suppose you would call it Elizabeth and liza for short would not you said Charlie, well yes she said beginning to read her magazine. Mr Hose now took out his watch and to his wife he said I have got to go out this eveing at what time said Elizabeth at seven oclock I promised Mr. Lineap I would meat him at his offiace at a quarter past it is now half past 6 just half an hour. I have time to finsh this bit of newes in the paper, so saying he continued to read.

Presently the clock sturck a quater past 7, oh goodnes I must fly, said Charlie Mr. Leanep will be expecting me he took up his boller banged it on his head took up a walking stick the first that came in to his hand, and rushed out of the room looking like a roughyeun out of the streets, his boots untide his hair rough he banged the door behind him.

Noisie man mutterd his wife as soon as he had disapear. I feel ashamed realy I do nothing will keep him quiet when he has got an appoinment never mind perhaps he cant help it she said and fell asleep in her armchair.

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Chapter 2
The New Baby
2 mins to read
701 words
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