Chapter 12
1 min to read
397 words

Many years have passed since Mr. Hose lost his child Mrs. Hose had died of greef two years befor and often in the eveing when Mr Hose sat alonne he would say to himself would I had that wretched Miss Junick by the scraff of the neck and he picked up the poker and shook it to show what he would do if he had her in his hands, one eveing as Mr Hose sat gazeing in to the emty great where there should have been a fire, he heard footsteps in the Porch Mr Hose was startled for now that Mrs Hose was dead people seldom came near the house and Mr Hose was not much to look at, he had very little hair and what he had was very seldom brushed and his red nose got bigger every day so you can emagin how few people ventured near him. when he heard the bell ring he jumped up and asked the servent who it was she said she would go and see she soon apperd and said it was a young man wanted to know if Mr Hose lived here show him in and say I do Just at that moment a man rushed in father he said dont you know me, and he flung himself into Mr Hoses arms my son my son where have you been all these long years tell me all about it. where is mother I must tell her too why my son you will never see your mother again she is dead she has dided for the loss of you ah I have had whom I thought was my mother and it was not untill I saw in the paper that I was still bieng looked for and that my name was Charlie Hose and Mr Hose was still alive while my supposed name was Auther Junick that I was determined to ascape and so I did. well my son I cant tell you how glad I am to have you back again saying you where 1 year old when we missed you If your mother had only been here to see you safe at home and Miss Junick in Prison and always had you with her she would rejoice, and now hoping I have pleased I will end my story of the Jealous governess or the granted wish.

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