Anonymous. c. 1300
5. This World's Joy
1 min to read
139 words

WYNTER wakeneth al my care, Nou this leves waxeth bare; Ofte I sike ant mourne sare   When hit cometh in my thoht   Of this worldes joie, hou hit goth al to noht.

Nou hit is, and nou hit nys, Al so hit ner nere, ywys; That moni mon seith, soth hit ys:   Al goth bote Godes wille:   Alle we shule deye, thah us like ylle.

Al that gren me graueth grene, Nou hit faleweth albydene: Jesu, help that hit be sene   Ant shild us from helle!   For y not whider y shal, ne hou longe her duelle.

this leves] these leaves. sike] sigh. nys] is not. al so hit ner nere] as though it had never been. soth] sooth. bote] but, except. thah] though. faleweth] fadeth. albydene] altogether. y not whider] I know not whither. her duelle] here dwell.

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Anonymous. c. 1300
6. A Hymn to the Virgin
1 min to read
116 words
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