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150 words

⸺“Because,” quoth my great-grandmother, repeating the words again⁠—“you have little or no nose, Sir.”⁠⸻

S’death! cried my great-grandfather, clapping his hand upon his nose,⁠—’tis not so small as that comes to;⁠⸺’tis a full inch longer than my father’s.⁠—Now, my great-grandfather’s nose was for all the world like unto the noses of all the men, women, and children, whom Pantagruel found dwelling upon the island of Ennasin.⁠⸻By the way, if you would know the strange way of getting akin amongst so flat-nosed a people⁠⸺⁠you must read the book;⁠⸺⁠find it out yourself, you never can.⁠⸺⁠

—’Twas shaped, Sir, like an ace of clubs.

—’Tis a full inch, continued my grandfather, pressing up the ridge of his nose with his finger and thumb; and repeating his assertion⁠⸺’tis a full inch longer, madam, than my father’s⁠⸺⁠You must mean your uncle’s, replied my great-grandmother.

⸻My great-grandfather was convinced.⁠—He untwisted the paper, and signed the article.

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