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269 words

⸺⁠No,⁠—I think I have advanced nothing, replied my father, making answer to a question which Yorick had taken the liberty to put to him,⁠—I have advanced nothing in the Tristra-pædia, but what is as clear as any one proposition in Euclid.⁠—Reach me, Trim, that book from off the scrutoir:⁠⸺⁠it has ofttimes been in my mind, continued my father, to have read it over both to you, Yorick, and to my brother Toby, and I think it a little unfriendly in myself, in not having done it long ago:⁠⸺⁠shall we have a short chapter or two now,⁠—and a chapter or two hereafter, as occasions serve; and so on, till we get through the whole? My uncle Toby and Yorick made the obeisance which was proper; and the corporal, though he was not included in the compliment, laid his hand upon his breast, and made his bow at the same time.⁠⸺⁠The company smiled. Trim, quoth my father, has paid the full price for staying out the entertainment.⁠⸺⁠He did not seem to relish the play, replied Yorick.⁠⸺’Twas a Tomfool-battle, an’ please your reverence, of captain Tripet’s and that other officer, making so many summersets, as they advanced;⁠⸺⁠the French come on capering now and then in that way,⁠—but not quite so much.

My uncle Toby never felt the consciousness of his existence with more complacency than what the corporal’s, and his own reflections, made him do at that moment;⁠⸺⁠he lighted his pipe,⁠⸺⁠Yorick drew his chair closer to the table,⁠—Trim snuff’d the candle,⁠—my father stirr’d up the fire,⁠—took up the book,⁠—cough’d twice, and begun.

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