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159 words

Stay⁠⸺⁠I have a small account to settle with the reader before Trim can go on with his harangue.⁠—It shall be done in two minutes.

Amongst many other book-debts, all of which I shall discharge in due time,⁠—I own myself a debtor to the world for two items,⁠—a chapter upon chambermaids and buttonholes, which, in the former part of my work, I promised and fully intended to pay off this year: but some of your worships and reverences telling me, that the two subjects, especially so connected together, might endanger the morals of the world,⁠—I pray the chapter upon chambermaids and buttonholes may be forgiven me,⁠—and that they will accept of the last chapter in lieu of it; which is nothing, an’t please your reverences, but a chapter of chambermaids, green gowns, and old hats.

Trim took his off the ground,⁠—put it upon his head,⁠—and then went on with his oration upon death, in manner and form following.

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