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141 words

When all was set to rights, I came downstairs again into the basse cour with my valet de place, in order to sally out towards the tomb of the two lovers, etc.⁠—and was a second time stopp’d at the gate⁠⸺⁠not by the ass⁠—but by the person who struck him; and who, by that time, had taken possession (as is not uncommon after a defeat) of the very spot of ground where the ass stood.

It was a commissary sent to me from the post-office, with a rescript in his hand for the payment of some six livres odd sous.

Upon what account? said I.⁠⸺’Tis upon the part of the king, replied the commissary, heaving up both his shoulders⁠⸺⁠

⸺⁠My good friend, quoth I⁠⸺⁠as sure as I am I⁠—and you are you⁠⸺⁠

⸺⁠And who are you? said he.⁠⸻Don’t puzzle me; said I.

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