Tarquinius Superbus
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190 words

[6a] [From the Suda] The Romans thought that peace might be made on the terms that the Gabini considered just.

[6b] [From an anonymous grammarian] Tarquinius bought three books at the price [previously asked] for the nine.

[6c] [From Photius] The seventh was expelled from the city and kingdom for violating the laws. From that time kingly rule came to an end, and the administration of government was transferred to consuls.

The Republic

[7a] [From the Suda] The consuls tendered the oaths, and said that they would yield everything rather than take back Tarquinius.

[7b] [From the Peiresc manuscript] Tarquinius incited the Sabines against the Roman people. Claudius, an influential Sabine of the town of Regillus, opposed any violation of the treaty, and being condemned for this action, he took refuge in Rome with his relatives, friends, and slaves, to the number of five thousand. To all these the Romans gave a place of habitation, and land to cultivate, and the right of citizenship. Claudius, on account of his brilliant exploits against the Sabines, was chosen a member of the Senate, and the Claudian gens received its name from him.

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Battle of the Regilline Lake
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